Creation, professional support, maintenance and modernization of the IT infrastructure of any company


The most important advantage of our team is the creation, provision and ability to automate various processes and tasks, which allows us to work more productively and efficiently.
For example, the use of software can significantly reduce the time required for data processing, process automation and communication in any area, which will allow employees to concentrate on more important tasks and improve the quality of work in general
We create and implement unique IT projects in any field


A multilingual system that will solve the language barrier issue in many areas of activity: tourism, cinema, museums, exhibitions, presentations. The system can solve the issue of rehabilitation of hearing impaired people. Expanding opportunities!

Smart Assistant

The Smart Assistant system is a revolution in the field of tourism! We solve the problems of everyday communication and have created an assistant for the convenience of obtaining the necessary information and services in any language

Portable cooler

An innovative system for storing and serving drinks in restaurants and hotel rooms. Helps improve service quality and reduce storage costs.
Now you don't need to change the ice bucket every 20 minutes!


Effective and productive practical activity of a professional team is the key to the success of every project!

  • Andrii Krupenchyk

    Founder | CEO
  • Ilona Serdiuk

    Head of Desing
  • Denis Maliy

    Chief Technology Officer
  • Dmytro HrYgorov

    Head of Marketing
  • Yan Shapiro

    Project manager
  • Sorochenko Olga

    PR manager
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Phone: +380637620356
Odessa, Ukraine